I am committed to inspiring leaders to find their unique strength, talent and voice, enabling them to bring ‘their whole selves’ to their professional lives.   In my coaching, I employ the principle of integration – the use of a person’s major centers of intelligence: the mind (cognitive), heart (emotional intelligence) and body (somatic) – to achieve holistic alignment of the person in the pursuit of their professional goals.

Executive coaching specialties:

  • Leadership legacies for senior executives

  • Purpose definition and strategic thinking

  • Leaders in transition and high potentials

  • Effective change management skills

  • Navigating cultural and generational differences

  • Executive presence, emotional intelligence and authentic leadership

 Tools I may use:

  • Hogan Suite, Birkman, DiSC, Myers-Brigges Personality assessment, and other assessments that may be used your organization 
  • Various tools and techniques for effective leadership

Schedule a chemistry call!