My tipping point: I had very vivid dream one night, where I found myself in the middle of a deep and murky lake. I can see the shore from afar and knew I had to get there. But I’m not a very good swimmer, so I was very relieved when I saw that a lifesaver was hooked on my left arm. As I started paddling to shore, I realized that the lifesaver was dragging me down to the bottom of the lake. And very quickly.

That’s when I woke up – literally and figuratively.   And that’s when I knew that something else was being asked of me.  

See, I was already a successful executive – I was an established management consultant, working with senior executives and complex transformations, managing business results and high performing teams.   However, I knew deep down that there was a bigger calling for me.   I knew that I had this hidden passion and innate gift in helping others through coaching, spirituality and healing. I knew without question that my dream was telling me that it was time to let go of my “safety lifesaver”.

So what did I do? I planned a gracious pivot from my career – from a business executive to a coach, and to this day, continue to learn and practice different coaching and healing modalities that are true to my soul’s journey.